Celebration of Independence Day in my school
Independence Day (15th of August) is the most important day in the history of India. On this fortunate day, our country became free after many centuries. The British left India with bags and baggage.
Preparations for the Day
We celebrate this day with great zeal every year. This year also great preparations were made in the school. Every one of us was eager to take part in the Independence Day celebrations. The vice-principal drew up a program which was announced by the principal on the 14th of August.
Program of the Day
In school, we stood around the flag pole. We were asked to stand classwise. The teachers stood behind us. At our Principal’s request, the chief guest of the program came forward to perform the flag hoisting ceremony. We stood in attention to give a salute to the flag.
After the flag ceremony, the national anthem “Jan Gan Man” was sung. The NCC band played the tune. The flag ceremony came to a close with a few speeches delivered by the staff and the students. All the speakers threw light on the importance of the day and our duties towards the country. In the end, the principal asked us to assemble around the field to take part in the school sports. They were held with great enthusiasm. Those who stood first and second in the various sports got prizes from the chief guest.
Thus we celebrated Independence Day in our school. This day always reminds me of the untold sacrifices of the fighters of freedom. We should worship those patriots who shed their blood for achieving freedom.
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