Tag: Nature & Health

Plastic – Boon or Bane
Plastic – Boon or Bane

The invention of plastic has made many functions of our day-to-day life convenient. But in the long run, it has also posed certain grave threats to the earth and ecosystem. Let us first look at the boons of plastic. 

  • Plastic polymers are much more flexible compared to metals. Hence, plastic can be moulded and shaped in every possible way. This really comes of use in the manufacturing of complex medical devices needing precision geometry, intricate designs and textures. 
  • Plastic can be easily sterilized. This is also particularly useful in the case of surgical tools made of plastic.
  • The substance is lighter than metals making transportation of plastic-made devices easy and their use fatigue-free. 
  • Some types of plastic are shatter-proof. They are used in the manufacturing of medical equipment, phones etc 
  • Plastic is much more economical compared to metals.
  • Plastic containers and packets make the storage and transportation of food products hygienic. 
  • Good quality reusable plastic can actually reduce wastage. 

Banes of Plastic 

  • Plastic is non-biodegradable which means that they don’t disintegrate and mix with the soil. They remain in the earth for thousands of years and can create numerous problems for the ecosystem.
  • Plastic bags are the leading cause of land pollution as they stay intact in the soil. They also make the soil infertile by releasing chemicals.
  • Plastic bags pose the biggest threat to marine life. Marine animals consume polythene bags floating in the ocean along with their food.
  • Land animals like cows consume polythene bags which we use to throw garbage.
  • Plastic releases toxic chemicals. When humans consume food stored in plastic containers or drink water from plastic bottles we subject ourselves to the possibility of illnesses caused by these chemicals.
  • Plastic bags clog our drainage system and sewerage system, especially during the rainy season leading to flood-like scenarios.

Related English Essay: Ban on Polythene Bags

Ban on Polythene Bags
Ban on Polythene Bags

Plastic is one of the leading issues that the world and our environment is facing in the current day. Plastic is non-biodegradable which means that it would never decompose like natural substances and mix with the soil. Thus, a plastic bag, which is an integral part of our daily lives that we use in plenty, will remain on the face of the earth for millions and millions of years. But why should be ban these convenient bags in which we can simply carry everything?

Plastic bags are harmful to our environment, earth and eco-system because –

  • They are non-biodegradable.
  • They are a leading cause of land pollution as they stay intact in the soil. Moreover, they release chemicals into the soil that makes the latter infertile.
  • They are also polluting water and more importantly killing marine life. Marine animals consume polythene bags floating in the ocean along with their food. This leads to death of marine life.
  • Even land animals like cows consume polythene bags which we use to throw our everyday garbage. This enters their body and kills them.
  • Polythene releases toxic chemicals. Thus when we humans consume food or water stored in plastic, we subject ourselves to the possibility of illnesses caused by these chemicals.
  • Polythene bags are often used to throw away garbage from the house. Most of us throw these on the streets. These bags collect and clog our drainage system and sewerage system, especially during the rainy season leading to flood-like scenarios.

 A ban of polythene bags is inevitable if we have to save our Mother Earth.